Low Voltage Cables/Current Ratings And Voltage Drop List/Two Core Copper, XLPE insulated Armoured / Unarmoured cables

Two Core Copper, XLPE insulated Armoured / Unarmoured cables

Current Rating And Voltage drop for cables & wires Upto and including 600/1000 V
Two Core Copper, XLPE insulated Armoured / Unarmoured cables:

Nominal Area of Conductor In Air In Ground In Duct Voltage drop 
Unarmoured Armoured Armoured Armoured
 Sqmm  A  A V/A/Km 
1.5  27 29 37 31 30.9
2.5 37  39 47 40 18.9
4 48 52 63 52 11.8
6 61 67 79 66 7.9
10 82 90 106 87 4.7
16 118 120 137 112 2.9
25 149 156 177 144 1.90
35 184 193 212 173 1.35
50 223 232 252 205 1.00
70 283 292 308 253 0.70
95 350 360 371 304 0.52
120 409 416 420 347 0.42
150 467 353 471 390 0.35
185 542 548 531 442 0.29
240 658 647 615 512 0.24
300 745 738 688 575 0.21
400 867 849 776 650 0.20

Operating Conditions

Ambient Air temperature: 30oC
Ground Temperature:       20oC
Depth of Laying:              0.5 m
Thermal Aesitivity of soil:  1.2 K.m/W