Low Voltage Cables/Current Ratings And Voltage Drop List/Three/Four Core Copper, XLPE Insulated Armoured /Unarmoured Cables

Three/Four Core Copper, XLPE Insulated Armoured /Unarmoured Cables

Current Rating And Voltage drop for cables & wires Upto and including 600/1000V

3 & 4 core copper, XLPE Insulated Armoured /Unarmoured Cables.

Nominal Area of Conductor In Air In Ground In Duct Voltage drop 
Unarmoured Armoured Armoured Armoured
 Sqmm  A  A V/A/Km 
1.5  23 24 32 25 26.7
2.5 33 33 41 33 16.4
4 41 45 53 44 10.2
6 54 56 67 54 6.8
10 71 78 89 73 4.0
16 101 101 115 94 2.5
25 128 133 148 121 1.65
35 157 163 177 145 1.15
50 192 199 211 172 0.87
70 244 250 259 211 0.60
95 300 309 310 255 0.45
120 351 357 353 292 0.37
150 403 409 394 329 0.30
185 465 471 445 372 0.26
240 554 556 514 429 0.21
300 639 633 575 483 0.19
400 742 728 649 554 0.17

Operating Conditions

Ambient air temperature: 30oC

Ground Temperature:      20oC

Depth of Laying:             0.5 m

Thermal resitivity of soil: 1.2 K.m/W