L.T. Cable Joints
Gulf Cables & Electrical Industries Group Co. K.S.C.P (GC) produces cable joint encapsulation
compounds which are widely used by Electrical Supply industries in many countries.
1. The performance of the GC Joints & Pot Ends meets the British Recommendation C 81 Part 2
2. Mechanical connectors and armour bonding system comply with BS 4579 and Engineering Council Recommendation C 79.
The encapsulation system (BERPAK 252 & BERPAK 516) is based on Polyurethane compounds produced by the mixing of two materials
to form a free-flowing liquid which cures into tough resilient elastomer. The two materials are supplied in separate containers. The two
materials used consist a Base material (Part B) & an Activator (Part A).
The GC Cable Joints System is convenient for jointing cables upto 1000 V a.c & 1500V d.c. It has the suitability to use with PVC
Insulated, XLPE Insulated, Paper insulated, PVC Sheathed Armoured or Unarmoured cables. The system is designed to be appropriate for
Copper & Aluminium conductor cables.
The mechanical jointing is suitable for cores of standard solid Aluminium, in both circular and sector-shaped cross -sections, the core
shapes being taken into account in the design of specific connectors.
The Outer Shells of the GC Joints have been designed to avoid the air bubbles trapping inside the joint.
The products range include the following products:
1.Straight Through Joints.
2. Branch / Service Joints.
3. Double Branch / Service Joints.
4. Pilot Cable Joints.
5. Street Lighting Joints.
6. Pot Ends.
If Copper conductors are to be jointed they should be wrapped in brass gauze before insertion in to the yoke to improve electrical
stability of the Aluminium\Copper interface in the connection.
Health & Safety:
GC Cable Jointing Compounds have been proven to be safe to handle as normal hygienic principles are observed. It is recommended
that personal should wash hands before eating or smoking.
The base compounds contain a Polyurethane and the curing agents contain an Isocyanate. The T.L.V. for the MDI ( Methylene Bisphenyl Di Isocyanate ) is . 002 ppm. However it is of low volantility at room temperature and may be regarded as being free from isocyanate vapour hazard.